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November is an important month for our family because of two important dates: the 10th of November, Mamajee’s birthday, and the 14th of November, @drauntie.uk’s birthday. Even though Mamajee is no longer with us, we are still celebrating his birthday, but in our own way. So this year, Omar Mukhtar, Fatimah, and Ali have joined up with the rest of our family to do charity on behalf of their Mamajee. This year is extra-special because we’ve also decided to do charity for @drauntie.uk as well. Even though she is still with us, there’s no greater gift we could give her on her birthday than charity under her name! Omar Mukhtar has used part of the sales of his book #MNPOE for this charity. We never mentioned this before, though, since we didn’t want to use charity as a selling point for the book. So to those kind-hearted people who have supported Mukhtar’s book, please know that part of your money has been given out for this charity, and you too have contributed to the cause! Fatimah and Ali didn’t want to miss out on all this, so they both took some money from their savings to join in - bless them! And to those who bought @drauntie.uk’s book #ASpoonfulOfPain, your money has been used to contribute to this as well. With all the money in total, part of it has been used to distribute packed food at Pondok Pasir Tumboh in Kelantan, with the help of Dadajee, Dadijee, Masi @ilurvesugar and Uncle Muhammad. The rest of the money will be used to buy food to distribute to the homeless and needy in the UK. When Mamajee was still alive, this was what he loved to do on a regular basis. He would buy food and give it to the homeless - sometimes, he even cooked and distributed his home-cooked food! And when he was studying in Le Cordon Bleu London, he even shared all those delicious cakes, pastries and whatnot that he made with the needy. So what we are really doing is just continuing his legacy. May The Almighty accept all of our good deeds & purify our hearts from riya’. Aameen... #SundayWithAdam 💛 @adamdidam

November is an important month for our family beca...